Sunday, December 19, 2010

Burn Fat Over the Holidays..

Quick, effective, de-stressing and energy producing....what does this describe? A body weight workout!!

Check out the workout we did a few saturdays ago with in Fit Chick Express! The only equipment we needed was a mat!

The girls said they couldn't believe how good of a workout they could get without using any equipment! Hope you enjoy! 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Stretching Is So Important

Some of my favorite stretches....

As a massage therapist, I often ask clients about their stretching routine. More times than not I find that people don't fit much stretching into their schedules. Having a regular regimen of stretching is an important part of maintaining correct balance in the body, and omitting these stretches deprive you of a valuable self-healing technique.

Stretching your muscles on a regular basis can improve range of motion and flexibility. Keeping muscles at a proper length takes unnecessary tension off tendons, which lessens the chance of any damage. Stretching also allows for more muscle tone; muscle will be larger in volume without becoming bulky.

Top Five Reasons to Stretch
Athlete Performance: From die-hard runners to the recreational golfer- regular stretching exercises will increase flexibility and range of motion. This lessens the chance of damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons. Stretching muscles also increases muscle tone without creating bulk.
Body Building: Think of a goldfish in a fishbowl. That little fish will stay the same size unless it's given a chance to expand in a larger tank. Muscles work on the same principal. Stretching a muscle gives it more room to expand and add mass.

Posture Improvement: Individuals who work at a computer desk or drive long distances regularly seem to have a permanent slouched position, and will often have upper back pain. Chest muscles become short while upper back and neck muscles become taunt and tense. By stretching the muscles in the front portion of your body allows the shoulders to fall into proper position, letting the upper back muscles relax and letting you balance your spine properly over your hips.

Elderly: Muscles that stay in a tight shortened state have a more likely chance of getting injured. An easy stretching routine can restoring muscle flexibility and endurance help regain balance and strength, and lessen the likelihood of an injury from a fall or sudden movement.

Weight Loss: Frequently stretching will increase the amount of lean muscle in your body. This in turn raises your metabolic rate, which increases the amount of calories burnt. Adding stretches to an exercise routine can assist in faster results.

Most people fit into one or more of these categories. No matter whom you are, you are probably looking for a simple way to improve your body, whether it's speed and endurance, dropping a few pounds, developing good posture, or improving your flexibility. It's easy to develop an effective stretching routine; most can be done in your home without assistance.

Jaime's Recommended Reads:
Stretching, by Bob Anderson
Active Isolated Stretching: The Mattes Method, by Aaron L. Mattes
2010 D.R.E.A.M. Wellness -- All Rights Reserved.

Jaime Savarese is a Licensed Massage Therapist with DREAM Wellness and is widely considered the foremost expert in Massage Therapy in Suffolk County, New York. If you'd like more tips such as these feel free to visit Jaime at and be sure to join our mailing list.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Protein Balls

The holiday season is upon and this usually means all kinds of sweets! Well here is my version of healthy holiday protein balls.

I tried this this past weekend and they are very good. I would like to try adding maybe some mini dark chocolate chunks or some dried fruit next time.


1/4 c ground oats
1/2 cup honey ( I only used about 1 TBSP but it could use a bit more)
1/2 cup natural peanut butter (next time I plan to use almond butter)
1/2 cup sunflower kernels
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa ( I used chocolate protein powder instead)
1 tsp vanilla

**Mix all together and roll into balls. Then roll in coconut or ground almonds! Refrigerate!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Events with Fit Chick Express!

Fit Chick Express
Toy Drive and Wellness Fair  

Saturday, December 4th from 1-4pm
505 Main Street, Longmont - Longmont Free University Building

30 Minute Seminars on the Following Topics:
1:00 pm - *Mindful Eating
1:30 pm - *Mental Skills:  Come learn how to set goals and stay motivated using special mental skills 
2:00 pm- *Anti-Aging Cosmetic Acupuncture
2:30 pm- *Anti-inflammatory diets: Avoiding pain and getting healthy
3:00 pm- * What is Biofeedback ~ How can it change my life with Nutrition, Stress and Detoxification
3:30 pm- *The Arbonne Difference - What is left Out

Health and Wellness Booths from the Following:
Max Muscle (Free Nutritional Consults starting at 1pm)  
Fit Chick Express
Quantum Biofeedback
Timbre Integrated Health
It Works! Body Wraps
Bring a toy donation to be entered to win one of the following prizes!

**1 FREE Month to Fit Chick Express ($129 Value)
**1 FREE Month of Fat Burning Yoga with Fit Chick Express ($80 value)
**1 It Works! Body Wrap - Phoenix Sagan
**1 On 1 Health Coaching - 6 Sessions - ($250 value) Bobbie Covert

**Vitamin D Supplement + Complimentary Initial Consultation - Dr. Courtney Conley - Timbre Integrated Health
**"Check Your Nutrition" Biofeedback Session + Detoxifying Ionic Foot Bath - Alanna Day
**1 Acupuncture Treatment - Theresa Ugalde
**One Month Supply of Liquid Vitamins (Vit Acell) and a High Five protein ($89  value)- Max Muscle

**1 on 1 personal skin care consultation including a $25 gift certificate from Arbonne - Carla Burchell

To RSVP please send email to
or call 303-746-1432

The last Free trial of 2010! Why not get a jumpstart on your 2011 with 2 weeks of Fit Chick Express Unlimited classes! Yoga and Extreme classes are included in this! 

Classes are from December 4th to the 20th!! Special offer to those who join the trial! :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Leftover Pumpkin Recipe

If you have leftover pumpkin from Thanksgiving, here is a very yummy and healthy recipe for you! I love scones because they are not full of sugar but still taste awesome! I have experimented with many different flavors too but thought this would be a good one for this time of the year!

Here is the recipe: 
1 cup ground oats (flour)
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup water
1 egg white
1/3 cup pumpkin
1 serving protein powder (vanilla)

Mix all together and drop onto baking sheet or as I did into a muffin tin. Bake for 20 minutes at 375. Enjoy!

This made six single servings and here is the nutrition breakdown per serving:
168 Calories
14 Carbs
10 Fat
7  Protein

Have a favorite healthy holiday recipe you want to share? Just comment below! 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Want to Burn Belly Fat?

Almost everyone I know wants to burn off their belly fat, and they always ask me which abs exercises they should be doing. They are totally shocked when I tell them that abs exercises will not help you to lose that belly fat. What you should be doing instead are intervals.
Intervals are the ultimate way to burn off that belly fat! Until you burn off the layer of fat on your abdominals, any type of abs exercise that you do will not do a thing for you. You could have an amazing looking six pack under that layer of fat, but until you add intervals into your fitness routine, you will not be able to see them.

What are intervals? Intervals are short bursts of high intensity followed by an active recovery period. Intervals are much more effective than long, steady state cardio.

To illustrate, one of my clients and her husband were on the treadmill side by side. She was doing intervals and he was running at a steady pace. After about 20 minutes, she discovered that she had covered more distance than her husband, and she had burned more calories.
Intervals can be done on any cardio machine, or even while walking. You just need to increase your pace for a short period of time, followed by a slower pace for the same amount of time.
Here is an example of what I do for intervals on the treadmill:

*Warm up for 2-3 minutes at 3.5 mph, slight incline.
*Increase speed to 6.0 for one minute, followed by decrease to 3.5 mph for one minute. If I want to really push myself, I will increase the high intensity every other interval, until I reach 7.0 mph.
* I then repeat this anywhere from 10 minutes to 20 minutes, followed by a cool down of 3-5 minutes.

You can start to add in some form of abs exercises after you finish your interval training. Just remember that abs exercises only work on your abs from the inside out and to lose that belly fat, you need to add intervals to your routine.

I was able to drop 1% body fat AND about .5 inch off my waist just by adding intervals over the course of the past few weeks. Try it and see just how it works for you!

Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, November 8, 2010

No Carb, Energy Bar...

So starting in November, I have decided to cut way back on carbs. No, not NO carbs, but eating good, fibrous carbs and leaving out the starchy, high GI carbs, such as grains, oats, potatoes. It's along the lines of the Paleo diet, which pretty much consist of meats, fresh veggies, berries and nuts.

So when I wanted to make an energy bar last night, I had to find a recipe with no oats. I checked out Marks Daily Apple and found this great recipe! 


1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup pecans ( I used cashews)
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 cup almond butter (although cashew, hazelnut, walnut and even pumpkin butters will work well too!)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup almond meal (simply pulse approximately 1/4 cup of almonds until it creates a coarse flour)
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp of raw honey (although, this is really kind of optional because the egg will help hold the mixture together)
1/2 cup unsweetened whey protein powder (or 60g)
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup dried cranberries or blueberries (didn't have any, so used dark chocolate chips instead)
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut to sprinkle on top

  1. On a cookie sheet, toast nuts and shredded coconut until golden brown. In order for them to cook evenly, you need to shake up the tray at least once during cooking…trust us!
  2. Once toasted, pour mixture into a food processor and pulse until nuts are chopped and the mixture becomes coarsely ground (sort of the consistency of bread crumbs).
  3. In a mixing bowl, melt coconut oil and almond butter (about 30 seconds). Remove from microwave and stir until smooth.
  4. Add vanilla extract, honey and sea salt. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Fold in nut mixture, almond meal and protein powder until mixed thoroughly.
  6. Add whole egg and mix thoroughly.
  7. Fold in blueberries/cranberries.
  8. Press mixture into an 8 by 8 loaf pan (a modification that we made to keep everything crisper and help the bars to hold together).
  9. Cook in a preheated oven at 325 degrees for 10 minutes.
  10. Remove from oven, sprinkle a ¼ cup of shredded coconut on top and place under broiler until top begins to brown. ( I didn't add the coconut to the top)
  11. Let cool for 10-15 minutes. Cut into 12 pieces/bars.
  12. Enjoy or stack on wax paper/parchment and store in an airtight container.
**The only thing I would change next time is maybe use less coconut oil. I do like the taste of coconut, but it seemed a bit overpowering. But these are absolutely yummy!! Of course next time I plan to try the dried fruit!

Have a favorite healthy recipe you want to share? Send me an email at and I will share it with all the Fit Chicks!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thanksgiving Food Drive with Fit Chick Express!

November 22nd at 6:30pm --Dr. Courtney Conley of Timbre Integrated Health will be coming in to do FREE lecture on "Walking Pain Free".  

Your ticket to the lecture will be 3 canned items which we will be donating to the OUR CENTER.

**This will also be a FREE Fit Chick Class (5:45pm) to anyone who is attending the Walking Pain Free Seminar.

Walking Pain Free will be a presentation on recognizing your own foot type, each participant will get a free pedograph, or foot analysis; and what types
of shoes to wear for that foot type. Different pain syndromes will be
discussed, such as ankle/foot pain, knee pain, hip and low back pain
and recommendations on how to get better!!

**Everyone who is present in the class, will get a gift certificate for a $29.00
initial consultation, that includes an examination.

Please RSVP for this event by November 20th by sending an email to

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I read this article on Muscle and Fitness Hers and thought it was very informative about how important it is to refuel your body after an intense workout, like the Fit Chick Workouts. Please leave your comments at the bottom...

Congratulations, you made it through yet another challenging workout in the gym. You are on top of the world, you feel rewarded by your hard work and achievements. It’s time to hit the shower and most importantly, refuel that spent body.

Let’s face it, we all work so hard in the gym with the hopes of attaining positive health benefits, strength gains… Even a tighter tush! No matter how hard you work that precious body, you may be deleting the hard work you invested in the gym with one simple meal… The ever- important post-workout re-fuel; the super important foods you choose to successfully replenish and restore all of the nutrients and valuable compounds that your body just lost.

Always eat after you workout, 30-60 minutes after a high-caloric expenditure is key. Your body is your engine and without it re-loaded with good, quality energy upon depletion, it will not recover properly to re-perform at its best.

Your post workout meal should always include a blend of low-glycemic carbohydrates and a serving of a good quality, complete protein. Some great carbohydrate sources that do not spike your blood sugar levels are sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal. Stick with complete proteins, which contain the entire amino acid profile that are essential to promote muscle growth; Eggs, chicken, fish, lean meat, lentils and whey protein are gold-standard complete protein options. When you ingest this buddy system of power-packed carbohydrates and complete protein sources, they will work together and metabolize at a constant rate to adequately re-fill your energy stores with good, solid nutrition.

Fats are shown to slow your metabolism down, so eating a high-fat source after a tough work out will actually slow-down the speed of your digestion, ultimately preventing important nutrients to be available for quick recovery. It is true that fats, especially the poly-unsaturated types, are excellent choices for supplying the body its daily fat requirements, but reserve them for meals that are not consumed either immediately before or after your workout. Great fat sources such as avocados, almonds and olive oil will aid in muscular recovery, help sustain energy and create a feeling of satiation and fullness and are best to be eaten during other times of the day.

Intensify your efforts by pairing the best post-workout foods with the extra supplementation your muscles will respond to. Glutamine and Branch Chained Amino Acids are amazing choices to intensify recovery in any exercise plan.

GLUTAMINE is an anti-catabolic agent, which ultimately prevents muscular breakdown that can result in a decrease in overall muscle size and mass. In the medical world, Glutamine has benefitted the treatment of serious illnesses, injury, trauma, and even burns and most recently found positive in cancer treatment.

Some of the most effective BCAA’s that are of the highest value to athletes are the three essential amino acids called leucine, isoleucine and valine, Although many amino acids are naturally manufactured by the body, the essential amino acids, such as these, must be supplied from complete protein sources such as whey, which most of the time is just not enough.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fit Chick Unlimited 2 Week Trial!!

The last 2 Week Trial for 2010 starts next Monday, November 1st! Limited spots available, so make sure to reserve your spot today! Click below and let's start burning some fat!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fat Burning Cookies ..YUM!

My friend Amy (and yoga instructor for Fit Chick) gave me these recipes she found in Oxygen magazine so thought I would try one of them today!

I of course changed a few things and added a few things and they are delicious!! Try your own varieties!

Fat Burning Cookies

1-1/2 cup whole wheat flour (I used ground up oats)
2 cups protein powder
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1-1/4 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup canola oil
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup oats
1/2 cup dark chocolate chunks
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
**I added some unsweetened coconut flakes too

Mix first 4 ingredients. In another bowl, mix next 5 ingredients. Mix both together and add oats, choc chunks and walnuts.

Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 12 minutes. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

3 Fruits and Veggies Tips

It's recommended that we eat 6-10 fruits and vegetables a day. Here in the States it is reported the actual average of fruits and veggies eaten each day is just 2.

Yup, just 2.

Now, I don't know where you stand on this, but overall, it really is a sad state of nutritional affairs.

But do not despair! It's not that tough to get more fruits and veggies in each day.

Here are some super simple tips to get you started:

1) Buy 'em pre-chopped

Look, I can be lazy, too ;-) There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go through the hassle of having to chop up fruits and veggies. If you want to buy them pre-chopped go ahead. It's much better for you than not eating them.

2) Carry 'em with you

Load up a plastic baggie with your pre-chopped veggies and bring them to work. Seriously, see how easy this can be!

3) Add real fruit to your yogurt

Have some yogurt for breakfast and add some fresh blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. It's that simple!

Bonus tip: A great way to provide your body with the nutritional foundation you need each day is a Whole Foods based multi-vitamin. I'm a proud Prograde Nutrition partner and they have a terrific product called VGF 25+ that is made from 25 veggies, greens and fruits.

The best part is you can try Prograde's VGF 25+ for FREE! (There's just a small S & H charge)

Be sure to use these tips and let me know how they help you out. Or send me some of your own!

I have to tell you that these are the one and only multi-vitamins that I take anymore. I have noticed so many good things and I don't have to stress about making sure I get all my servings of veggies and fruits in by eating them!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just 20 Minutes of Cardio to Lose Body Fat!

What's so Great about Peak 8 Technique?

I recently coined the terms 'Peak Fitness Technique' and 'Peak 8,' to describe my comprehensive exercise program and its key component.
In a moment, I will list all the facets included in the Peak Fitness program, but the most recent, major addition to the program is the Peak 8 exercise.
Peak 8 refers to peak exercises done once or twice a week, in which you raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 20 to 30 seconds, followed by a 90-second recovery period.
To perform these properly you will want to get very close to, if not exceed, your maximum heart rate by the last interval. Your maximum heart rate is calculated as 220 minus your age. You will need a heart rate monitor to measure this as it is nearly impossible to accurately measure your heart rate manually when it is above 150.
And believe me accuracy is the key here. There is a HUGE difference of a heart rate of 170 and 174 (or 160 and 164 if you are over 50). Once you reach your maximum heart rate you may feel a bit nauseous and light headed and, of course, VERY short of breath. But your body catches up quite rapidly and in about 30-60 seconds will start to feel much better. And when you're done, you will feel tired, but probably will feel great!

IMPORTANT Heart Rate Note

After you stop the intense 30-second phase, your heart rate will continue to rise for another five to ten seconds as you enter your recovery phase. So please be sure and note your heart rate about ten seconds after you start the recovery cycle.
If you are continuing to push every time, your heart rate will climb every cycle, and it should look something like mine, below.
The following graph is from my actual heart rate taken with a chest strap while I was doing a Peak 8 recumbent bike workout.
Please notice that when I start the next cycle, my starting heart rate is always higher than the previous heart rate. Remember, the high intensity phase of the workout is only 30 seconds, and the recovery phase is 90 seconds.
It is important to note that the only accurate way to monitor your heart rate is with a monitor. It is simply too darn difficult to accurately measure your heart rate when it is over 150. I tried several times and overestimated my rate by 20!
So trust me, use a heart rate monitor and avoid deceiving yourself.

My Heart Rate for Peak 8 Fitness Workout

heart rate for peak 8 fitness workout

Peak 8 Instructions

I recommend using a recumbent bicycle for the Peak 8 exercise, although you certainly can use an elliptical machine, a treadmill, or anywhere outdoors for that matter. However, unless you are already an athlete, I would strongly advise against sprinting outdoors, as several people I know became injured doing it the first time that way.
Just warm up for three to five minutes and then go all out as hard as you can for 30 seconds. In the warm up you typically get your heart rate around 60 to 70% of its maximum (220-your age). So if you are 50 your max heart rate would be170 and your warm up heart rate would be 102-119.
The first repetition is usually pretty easy as your starting heart rate is low and you can do the entire 30 seconds without stress.
Since you only recover for 90 seconds your heart rate gradually continues to climb after every repetition so hopefully by the time you finish your last repetition it is at or above your maximum heart rate.
Remember to cool down for a few minutes after your 8th repetition.
Unless you work out regularly you will likely need to work your way up to 8 cycles. You can start with 2-4 and gradually increase to 8, but ideally, you should get to 8 cycles. The magic really starts to happen around repetition number 7 and 8.
Here are the principles:
  1. Warm up for three minutes
  2. Then, go all out, as hard as you can for 30 seconds
  3. Recover for 90 seconds
  4. Repeat 7 more times, for a total of 8 repetitions
  5. Cool down for a few minutes afterwards by cutting down your intensity by 50-80%.
If you have a history of heart disease or any concern please get clearance from your health care professional to start this. Most people of average fitness will be able to do this, it is only a matter of how much time it will take you to build up to the full 8 reps.
The beautiful thing about this approach is that if you are out of shape you simply will be unable to train very hard as the lactic acid will build up in your muscles quickly and prevent you from stressing your heart very much.
Phil Campbell will also be teaching again at the Malibu Greta B's Fitness Camp this November, If this is something that interests you would definitely be worthwhile to consider attending.

Don't Waste Your Time Doing Loads of Inefficient Cardio

That may sound like a major conflict with everything you have read about exercise but let me tell you that I was a runner for over 40 years and logged in tens of thousands of miles. So I am telling you this from a perspective of having major personal experience.
I actually stopped all my running over a year ago and conventional cardio type training in the spring. Since I have been doing the Peak Exercise program I have:
  • Lowered my overall body fat from 17.4% down to 11.5%
  • Lost 12.5 lbs. while gaining 4.5 lbs. of muscle
  • Lost 2 12/16 inches off my waist
  • Gained 1/2 inch on my arms
  • Gained 1/2 inch on my legs
  • Gained 2 inches on my chest

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Classes and Times at Fit Chick Express!!

Fit Chick 30 Minute Workout
Fit Chick Yoga
Fit Chick Extreme - 45 Minute Workout
Coming October 11th- Prenatal Fitness (Mon and Wed 9:30-10:15am)

6:00-6:30 AM
6:00-6:30 AM
6:00-6:30 AM
6:00-6:30 AM
6:00-6:45 AM
8:15-8:45 AM

9:30-10 AM

9:30-10 AM
9:30-10:15 AM

5:45-6:15 PM
5:30-6:15 PM YOGA
5:45-6:15 PM
5:45-6:15 PM

5:30-6:15 PM

Monday, September 20, 2010

Join us for our Fall Fitness Challenges!!

6 Week Challenge
This is a Monthly Challenge to help us stay motivated through the holidays!
Details below:
  • I will need your before picture- (send to side, front and back. I can also take this if you need me to.
  • We will need to do measurements and body fat percentage within 5 days of the beginning of challenge dates.
  • I will need specific goals (about 2-3) from you that you would like to accomplish in each months challenge. These can be losses, nutrition, workouts, etc. Email to and these will be posted so others can help motivate you and push you towards those goals.
  • If you wish to participate in the 3 Month Total Challenge (more info below) you will need to pay a $10 entry fee. You can purchase this here=> Challenge Fee
  • I am only allowing 10 people to join in each month's challenGe. The smaller the group, the more motivation and support we can provide to each other! CURRENTLY 5 LADIES SIGNED UP!!!
  • September 15th-October 14th
  • October 15th-November 14th
  • November 15th-December 15th
  • December 15th will also be the 3 Month Final Date
**You are able to join during any month, join us for all 3 months or do one month! It's up to YOU! I just need all the things listed above before you are eligible to be judged as a winner!
  • I will be posting extra challenges on the Facebook  group and on the Forum site. The more you can add to your fitness routine, the better your results will be, so make sure to join either one of those groups!
  • I will also be asking for your participation in sharing ideas, recipes, workout ideas, etc. This will help YOU to motivate others as well as yourself.
  • At the end of each month’s challenge, there will be 4 prizes awarded for the following:
    • Most body fat percentage lost
    • Most weight lost
    • Most inches lost
    • Overall motivation, determination, dedication and group support (You will be judging this category)
**Prizes will be things such as massages, facials, spa products and much more! To be announced later…
At the end of the 3 Months, there will be one overall winner who will be judged based on overall weight, inches and body fat for the 3 months total. This winner will be awarded a cash prize, which is currently at $100! All the fees for the end challenge will be added to this cash prize!
Now Who's Ready to Get Into Those Skinny Jeans and Blast Away That Belly Fat??
Click the button below to be entered into the end 3 Month Challenge!

Contest Sign Up
If you are just joining in the month to month challenge, please email me at to reserve your spot! Only 5 spots left!

Fat Burning Circuit

I am a huge fan of circuits, and if you are member of Fit Chick Express, you already know this about me!

Not only are they quick and effective, but most of the time, they can be done with little or no equipment, meaning there is NO excuse for not exercising! Here is another great circuit I put together ….so get started with it and burn some fat!

Squats x 20
Pushups x 12
Mountain Climber x 10 each leg
Alternating Forward lunges x 10 each leg
Medicine Ball Rotation x 20

Repeat 3-5 sets, resting for one minute in between!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why Some Protein Powders Are Bad News

** Quick update: Prograde Protein, Metabolism and EFA Icon are ALL 20% off right now for a limited time. Just click here - - to start saving. **

I know some people think that Protein is just Protein. But that's like saying there's no difference between a Ford Pinto and a Rolls Royce.

Quality is quality and junk is junk.

No offense to Ford Pinto owners ;-)

Yet another thing I love about my partners over at Prograde Nutrition is the fact they are more than willing to PROVE the quality you find in their products.

Here's no holds barred PROOF that protein powder is NOT just protein powder.

Have you ever heard of Lactase? It's a very unique ingredient used by Prograde in their Protein powder. This quick Q and A on Lactase explains why it's so important and why it makes such a difference in quality.

Now, on to the serious news...
You may have seen some reports about some name brand protein powders being tested for heavy metals a few months ago. Well, Prograde Protein passed all tests with flying colors. And not only that, they came right out and explained the test results and why there was such a big fuss.

I'm not kidding around, if you use protein powders at all you need to educate yourself on this:

Bottom line: when it comes to supplements, you get what you pay for.

And that's why I have partnered with Prograde Nutrition to bring you the best.

Please post any further questions you might have!

Certified Fitness Professional
303-746-1432 ~ Longmont CO

**Sign up for the Fit Chick Express Newletter=>Click HERE

"Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings YOU the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run.
"-- David Leonhardt

Fit Chick Express Workout DVD! Click HERE!
Quick and Effective Fat Burning Workouts =>Fat Blasting Boot Camp
Everything Health and Fitness You Will Ever Need=>Building A Better U
Fat Loss Supplements=>Prograde Nutrition

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterYoutube

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tasty Snack Balls

In class this morning we were talking about the Truffle Recipe I sent out a while back.  So yummy and healthy!!

I also found this on one of my favorite blogs, Marks Daily Apple, which is similar but with a little different ideas or varieties.

Try them out and let me know which ones you like!
Cocoa and Coconut Snacks
Each one of these little balls packs in loads of protein and fats. Unlike store bought energy bars, the ingredient list is short and simple, and can be modified to your own taste. Use more ground coffee or none at all. Try dark chocolate chips instead of cocoa powder. Cut back on one type of nut and add more of another. Use more shredded coconut, or less. Part of the fun is coming up with your own perfect blend.

As a general guideline for your first batch, using a 1/2 cup of each nut will yield more than a dozen little balls. Dates add the sweetness but also help hold the balls together so if you can’t get the paste to hold its shape, try adding a few more. Coconut oil also helps with this. If you don’t have the patience to roll a dozen or more little balls, simply spread the paste out evenly in a baking pan and sprinkle with coconut. Whether you eat them as balls or bars, Colting’s Cocoa and Coconut Snacks are a good solution to afternoon hunger pangs. They can even satisfy a craving for dessert – Jonas sometimes enjoys them with an espresso, which sounds quite civilized and delicious.

Cocoa and Coconut Snack Ingredients
We’ve included measurements to get you started, but as mentioned above, these ingredients can be used in any amounts.
1/2 cup each:
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pecan nuts
  • Hazel nuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • 3-6 dates
  • 2-4 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
To taste:
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Freshly ground coffee
  • Shredded coconut
Run the nuts and pumpkin seeds in a food processor until ground into a fine flour.
Nuts in Food Processor
Remove the nut flour and grind the dates and shredded coconut in the food processor until smooth.
Processed Nuts and Dates
Mix these ingredients together with coffee and cocoa powder according to taste.
Cocoa and Coconut Powder
Finally, add the coconut oil and mix it all together by hand. Roll the paste into small nibbly balls and sprinkle them in shredded coconut.
Cocoa and Coconut Snack
These snacks should be refrigerated to become firm. ENJOY!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

How To Save Money at Supermarket

I know a lot of clients and friends who tell me that it is too expensive to eat healthy. Well here are some tips to help you save money and allow yourself to buy those healthy foods!

1. I know that fresh fruits and vegetables are better than frozen, but they all have the same benefits. Buying frozen will enable them to last longer and you will save $$ by not having to throw out rotted or unused fruits and veggies.

2. If you do buy fresh fruit or veggies, look for the 2 for 1 sale. We have them all the time here in Colorado. That is when you stock up and you can always freeze them yourself to keep them longer as well.

3. Buy your protein/meats in bulk at a Costco or Sam’s Club. We buy 3 bags of chicken breasts at a time and they last for a couple months. Compare that to buying just 3-4 fresh chicken breasts that will last you a week and the savings are HUGE! I also buy big bags of berries in bulk to use in shakes, or to melt and use in snacks or on my protein pancakes.

4. Plan your meals for 2 weeks at a time and THEN go shopping. This will save you from endlessly walking through each isle picking up things you ‘think’ you might need. And you will only be making a trip to the store 2x a month as compared to daily or weekly.
So there you have some tips to get you started on saving on your grocery bill.

Have any tips you use, make sure to comment and leave them for us!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Body Weight Cardio Workout

Need that little extra workout to kick your butt, but not take up a lot of time? Try this out!
First you need a timer or a clock. I use my Gymboss timer, the best thing EVER!!

Jumping Jacks
Speed Skate
Bands or just shuffle back and forth
-Side shuffle right (30)
-Side Shuffle left (30)
Jump Rope
Crossover (jump feet out, back in and cross and back out again)
Bands or just shuffle back and forth
-Side Shuffle front (30)
-Side Shuffle back (30)

Do this for about 10-15 minutes! Definitely a good belly fat burner! Let me know how it goes.

Thursday, August 19, 2010




The Max Longmont Grand Opening is scheduled for Saturday, August 28th and will benefit LiveSTRONG with 5% of all sales for the day plus donations going to the LiveSTRONG fight against cancer. Special guests for the day will be Rebecca Meyer and Daniel Wright from NBC’s “The Biggest Loser”. Daniel appeared in season 7 & 8 of the popular TV show while Rebecca won the at home $100,000 prize in season 8!

Connect with us on Facebook (... ) or check back to our website for further updates. Below is a list of some of the things we’ll have going on the day of the event.

· Autograph session with special guests Rebecca and Daniel from NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” – 11AM – 3PM.

· FREE Raffle – Prizes from community partners to be announced soon.

· LiveSTRONG - In addition to 5% of all sales donated to the LAF, we’re supporting our own Max Muscle Manager, David Clark, who will be running the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run this August in memory of a lost friend. 100% of the proceeds raised from this run go to the LiveSTRONG charity as well.

· Healthfair Mobile Screenings – The Healthfair Bus will be in the Max Muscle parking lot the entire day doing pre scheduled health screenings. To book in advance, call (888) 822-3247. Times will fill up fast to get your screening done on Saturday, so call in advance.

· Kids Castle

· Longmont Community Partner Booths

· Free Postural Assessments and Trigger Point Massages – Timbre Integrated Health

· Jimmy Johns Subs

· Max Muscle Product Samples & Great Specials

Join us for a food, fun, free samples and Great Specials for a Great Cause on Saturday, August 28th

Flatten Your Belly With This 1 Tip

Good news and Bad news from my partners over at Prograde. There isn't much time, so read this right away.

From the Desk of Jayson Hunter, Prograde Nutrition:

Sure, this tip is simple, but it's super powerful. And while it may not seem it at first, it really will save you gobs and gobs of time.

Something I've always shared with my coaching clients is to spend one to two hours per week prepping your food.

On Sundays and Wednesdays you can easily set some time aside to cut up veggies and put them in baggies so you have them all ready for meals and snacks.

And when possible, you can do this with your lean meats (proteins) as well.

It's pretty obvious how that is going to help you keep from reaching for cookies or chips during the week. And it's pretty obvious how it's going to help you stick to a healthy meal plan all week long.

Now, what's also obvious is how my Done-For-You 90 Day Meal Plan is going to make your life easier.

No more thinking. No more guesswork. No more wondering what to eat.

I literally lay it all out for you. And I'm giving it to you for FREE when you become a Prograde VIP today.

Yes, we are closing the doors TODAY to the brand new Prograde VIP membership because of the overwhelming response we've had. We want to be sure we can manage the program effectively and deliver an awesome experience to them.

Hey, not only will you be getting my Done-For-You 90 Day Meal Plans, but you'll also receive 5% off ALL your Prograde purchases for an entire year and a whole lot more!

Reserve Your VIP Membership ==>

If you've already joined, well, let me say thanks yet again. We've got some really cool stuff coming up for you so just stay tuned!

Yours in health,

Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS

PS - Again, so we can laser focus on serving our VIPs we are CLOSING the doors on membership TONIGHT at 11:59pm EST, so reserve your spot RIGHT now and get all the bonuses and goodies that come with it.

PPS - Here are some FAQs about the Prograde VIP Membership you want to know about:

Yes, it only costs $47 to be a member for an entire year.

There is absolutely NO obligation to buy anything else.

Yes, you get the DONE-FOR-YOU 90 Day Meal Plan FREE of charge with your membership.

No, your card will NOT be charged again in a year from now.

There are NO hidden monthly fees or anything silly like that.

Yes, the 5% VIP discount applies to both sales and Smart Ships.

In other words:

Every month while you are a Prograde VIP your Smart Ship order will be an additional 5% off!

And as an example, when we do a sale for a Prograde product at 15% off our VIPs will get 20% off!

Finally, YES, it makes a heck of a lot of sense to become a Prograde VIP member! But you only have until 11:59pm EST to do so.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fit Chick Express in Whole New U!

How exciting that Fit Chick Express was a part of the Longmont show, Whole New U!!

Watch the show by clicking the picture below!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day Special....

Mother's Day is Fast Approaching! Have you gotten your mother something yet? Well why not give her the gift of fitness and health!

For a limited time I am offering an amazing special worth over 200.oo for just 29.95!

When you purchase the Fit Chick Express Workout DVD, which includes 3 months of workouts, you will also receive...

14 Weeks of Fat Blasting Boot Camp Take Along Workouts!

Perfect for Travel or to Take to the Gym!
Video demonstrations to show you proper form and help you get the most out of your workouts!

PLUS...Fit Chick Express Bonuses!



...Meal Plans and Recipes

....And Much More!

Click HERE to read about the "Fit Chicks" results from these workouts...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Summer is fast approaching and what that means is more skin will soon be showing! Are you ready for those shorts, skirts and short sleeved tops??

Let Fit Chick Express help you get ready! I am offering a Slim Down For The Summer Special offer of $89 for Unlimited classes for one month! This offer is only available to new members! In just one month, you could be SUMMER READY!!

This special offer ends Friday, April 2nd! Don't wait, get signed up today by clicking HERE!

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have!

PS..This offer not available with any other offers, including the 2 Week Free trial...

Certified Fitness Professional
303-746-1432 ~ Longmont CO
www.Fit Chick

**Check out my very first Fit Chick Express Workout DVD! Click HERE!
Need A New Workout Or A Workout In A Hurry? => Fit Chick Express Workout Club
Quick and Effective Fat Burning Workouts =>Fat Blasting Boot Camp

Everything Health and Fitness You Will Ever Need=>Building A Better U
Fat Loss Supplements=>Prograde Nutrition

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Fat Burning Tips 4 Women Summer Slim Down…

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Update on Fit Chick Transformation Contest..

So the Fit Chicks are busting it out! They are all doing an amazing job, staying motivated, pushing themselves harder and getting closer and closer to their goals!

In just 3 weeks, TOGETHER they have lost over 36 inches, 15 pounds and over 3% BF!! Way to go ladies!!

I am very proud of how hard they are working....keep it up ladies!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Transformation Contest Before Essays...

"I have struggled with low self worth my whole life. the mirror and the words of the ones I trusted have been my biggest enemy. I want to take control of that part of my life. I have been told " you cant help it.. your just a big girl" I was to be known as something else. A girl that took contol of her life. That my opinon of myself was positive.
I am tired of being a victim of past. I want to be a confident woman in the future."

"I became the single mother of twin in September of 2007. Prior to my pregnancy I was in shape. I was able to exercise on average about 3-5 times a week. During pregnancy I had high blood pressure and needed to restrict my activity and was on bedrest for more than a month. After the twins were born I found I was lucky to have time to take a shower, much less exercise. I went back to work when they were 5 weeks old and work an average of 60 hours a week. Now that my boys are 2 I want to get back into shape and fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. It would also be nice to not be embarassed in my swimsuit at the pool.
My diet has always been an issue - I am a terrible snacker. This has become worse with kids I fine myself grazing through the kitchen as I make there meals. I used to be able to keep this in check with exercise, but as my physical activity decreased my refined sugar intake increased.
My reason for entering the competition is to make some lifestyle changes. I want to keep up with my kids and not spend my later years burdened by health issues."

I believe the fat lady inside of me has officially sung. I am so over feeling tired, soft, and lumpy! I can hardly squeeze into my “fat jeans” anymore. Yesterday I had to break down and by the next size up in jeans. Uhg! I see this contest as my new tool in achieving weight loss success. I have as many excuses for being a Fat Chick as I do reasons to become a Fit Chick. I know this is going to be tough at times, but I believe the competition and camaraderie will make me give 100% through to the end. My plan is to bridge the gap between the two extremes. And believe me, when I’m in those places, they feel very extreme.
For excuses my list includes that I’m over 40, have three kids, I’m hormonal, get bored working out on my own, love to cook, and I am a compulsive eater.

As for reasons that I want and need to become healthy, the top of the list is my three daughters. They need a role model that isn’t on the Disney channel, in the movies, or in a magazine. In addition, I have a husband that loves me and I want to be around to keep him on his toes for many years to come. Finally, it’s got to be about quality of life. Mine has definitely suffered in the years that I’ve gotten so out of shape. I’ve got a long way to go, but every thing in the world to gain.

Last night I started a new book. I read then re-read a prayer that seemed to speak directly to me:

“Lord, please bless this new beginning. Help me not to dwell on the difficulties of the past, but only on the promises of the future.”

And with that, I look forward to starting on day one with prayer and Fit Chick Express to get me on my way.

~ Elisabeth

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Prograde Nutrition's "Do Something Different This January" Special

So it's already January 19th. My hope is you're still right on track with your fitness goals for 2010. One of the things I know helps is to take a different approach than most people do. Let me explain:

You see, most people I come across...well, they want to look better naked. Hey, nothing wrong with that. But when that is the only motivation it does nothing but leave people frustrated, unfulfilled and right back where they started. It just does.

However, when the goal is to take better care of yourself for overall health and well-being, that's when people see lasting results. It's when they make real changes to their lives.

Now, I love being a Prograde partner because they believe the same things I do. And that's the reason for their "Do Something Different This January" Special. To celebrate 2010 and to motivate you to look for more from fitness than just to fit into your "skinny jeans" again, they are putting their power-packed EFA Icon on sale this week at 10.10% off. Yes, that means 11%. ;-)

And I'm not kidding when I tell you it's potent. Prograde Nutrition's EFA Icon may help you:

Protect Your Heart

Improve Your Memory

Strengthen Your Immune System

Reduce Joint Pain

Reduce PMS Symptoms

Aid Fat Loss

But seriously, don't take my word for it. Discover all the research behind this extraordinarily power-packed Prograde product for yourself. It's all right here:

On that page you'll also find all the details on how to save the 10.10%. But it all ends this Friday at 11:57pm EST so be sure to act NOW before you forget.

Women's Fitness Group in Longmont -The Quick Way To Get Fit! =>Fit Chick Express

Contact Me Linkedin Facebook Twitter
Fat Burning Tips 4 Women The Rainbow Colors of Nutrition

PS - Again, this special chance to do something different this January expires on Friday, January 22nd at 11:57pm EST. Be sure to order your supply of Prograde Nutrition's EFA Icon at 10.10% off before it's too late.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Post Transformation Essays...

"I have struggled with my weight most of my life. I grew up in a time when you were rewarded for finishing everything on your plate and punished for leaving anything on it. It was also the time of twiggy and the bikini. Try getting out of that without an eating disorder! I believe I have tried every fad diet known. As I am approaching 50 I am finally getting that good nutrition and working out are the safe and lasting combination to weight loss. I am on 4 meds for hypertension, high cholesteral and diabetes. The money I spend on medications would pay for a trip to Hawaii in a year! I have so many reasons for wanting to lose weight. I want to play with my granddaughters and live to see them play with there children. I want to walk down a street without thinking everyone is judging me about my weight. I want to grow old and be active with my husband and I want to get off these meds so he can take me Hawaii." Deanne

"I've always struggled with gaining and losing 10-15 pounds throughout my life but after I had my first child 5 years ago, I gained 30 pounds and haven't been able to lose any of it. Since then I've had a second child (3 years ago) and turned 40. I've always been pretty active. I play tennis competitively and love hiking and cross country skiing. With small children its been hard to find the time to do these things. I also find it hard to really take care of myself when I spend 24/7 taking care of 2 little boys with lots of energy and needs. My kids are getting older and I feel like it is time for "me" again. I would like to lose 20-30 pounds but more than that I would like to look and feel good. I want to wear the smaller sized tennis skirts I have and not only do I want them to fit, I want to look good in them. I also want to confidently wear tank tops. In addition, I want to be more fit. I've stuck to playing doubles since I had my kids because I'm not fit enough to play a full 3 set singles match. I would like to be able to do that this spring. Most of all I want to look and feel good for myself and be healthy and fit for my kids as they grow older.
" Ann

"I have struggled with low self worth my whole life. the mirror and the words of the ones I trusted have been my biggest enemy. I want to take control of that part of my life. I have been told " you cant help it.. your just a big girl" I was to be known as something else. A girl that took control of her life. That my opinion of myself was positive.
I am tired of being a victim of past. I want to be a confident woman in the future." Dawna

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Transformation Kickoff...

Monday started the kickoff of the first ever Fit Chick Transformation Contest!

7 Ladies are signed up and ready to kick some butt! They are motivated and ready to start seeing some serious results in these next 12 weeks!

Make sure to check back with us and see how they are doing!

Every contestant had to write a 150 word essay about why they wanted to be a part of the contest. For the next week I will be posting a new essay for you to read.

These ladies nee YOUR support, so make sure to send them some!


Barb's Essay...

"Why did I enter the Fit Chick Transformation contest?
I have decided that I want to finish the journey I started. About a year ago, I decided I was tired of being overweight, out of shape and feeling really bad about myself. Then I started going through a divorce. So, I became really motivated about getting in shape and being a better role model for my physical health for my children. I started going to Fit Chick classes and have already changed my body and health tremendously. However, I seem to be stuck at a plateau and I really want to complete what I started. I thought that by entering the contest and being accountable to myself and others, I might be able to keep my focus on the end result. I have a trip to Mexico planned towards the end of the contest and I would really like to be able to wear a bikini on the beach. So, hopefully that will be a bonus too."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FREE SHIPPING on Prograde Products!

Woohoo! The holidays are FINALLY over. For me it's cause for celebration because everyone is looking to make a change. Positive change.

I know, unfortunately, that many people will make silly resolutions and change for a week or two and then go back to their old habits. It happens. But there's no reason for that to be you.

And hey, you don't have to change completely overnight. Small changes over time add up to HUGE results. They really do.

I also know you're looking for simple solutions to make these changes easier. That's why I love being partner with Prograde Nutrition. They do one thing incredibly well: they make nutrition easy.

Look, supplements aren't the end-all-be-all. You need to eat whole foods. You need nutrition from real food. And Prograde knows that. They preach it. But they also know there are gaps you need to fill. And that's where their awesome products come in. They've got a very simple product line that provides the basics. They provide what you need, NOT the garbage and confusing "stacks" that many companies try and trick you into thinking you need.

This week Prograde is celebrating 2010 by offering something they've NEVER done before: FREE shipping on orders over $97.

This special only runs through this Friday, January 5th at 11:57pm EST so you need to hurry and place your order before you forget...before it's too late. All the details are right here:

Last, thanks for being such a loyal reader. 2010 is going to be a happy and healthy year for both of us!