Monday, September 20, 2010

Join us for our Fall Fitness Challenges!!

6 Week Challenge
This is a Monthly Challenge to help us stay motivated through the holidays!
Details below:
  • I will need your before picture- (send to side, front and back. I can also take this if you need me to.
  • We will need to do measurements and body fat percentage within 5 days of the beginning of challenge dates.
  • I will need specific goals (about 2-3) from you that you would like to accomplish in each months challenge. These can be losses, nutrition, workouts, etc. Email to and these will be posted so others can help motivate you and push you towards those goals.
  • If you wish to participate in the 3 Month Total Challenge (more info below) you will need to pay a $10 entry fee. You can purchase this here=> Challenge Fee
  • I am only allowing 10 people to join in each month's challenGe. The smaller the group, the more motivation and support we can provide to each other! CURRENTLY 5 LADIES SIGNED UP!!!
  • September 15th-October 14th
  • October 15th-November 14th
  • November 15th-December 15th
  • December 15th will also be the 3 Month Final Date
**You are able to join during any month, join us for all 3 months or do one month! It's up to YOU! I just need all the things listed above before you are eligible to be judged as a winner!
  • I will be posting extra challenges on the Facebook  group and on the Forum site. The more you can add to your fitness routine, the better your results will be, so make sure to join either one of those groups!
  • I will also be asking for your participation in sharing ideas, recipes, workout ideas, etc. This will help YOU to motivate others as well as yourself.
  • At the end of each month’s challenge, there will be 4 prizes awarded for the following:
    • Most body fat percentage lost
    • Most weight lost
    • Most inches lost
    • Overall motivation, determination, dedication and group support (You will be judging this category)
**Prizes will be things such as massages, facials, spa products and much more! To be announced later…
At the end of the 3 Months, there will be one overall winner who will be judged based on overall weight, inches and body fat for the 3 months total. This winner will be awarded a cash prize, which is currently at $100! All the fees for the end challenge will be added to this cash prize!
Now Who's Ready to Get Into Those Skinny Jeans and Blast Away That Belly Fat??
Click the button below to be entered into the end 3 Month Challenge!

Contest Sign Up
If you are just joining in the month to month challenge, please email me at to reserve your spot! Only 5 spots left!

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