Monday, January 18, 2010

Post Transformation Essays...

"I have struggled with my weight most of my life. I grew up in a time when you were rewarded for finishing everything on your plate and punished for leaving anything on it. It was also the time of twiggy and the bikini. Try getting out of that without an eating disorder! I believe I have tried every fad diet known. As I am approaching 50 I am finally getting that good nutrition and working out are the safe and lasting combination to weight loss. I am on 4 meds for hypertension, high cholesteral and diabetes. The money I spend on medications would pay for a trip to Hawaii in a year! I have so many reasons for wanting to lose weight. I want to play with my granddaughters and live to see them play with there children. I want to walk down a street without thinking everyone is judging me about my weight. I want to grow old and be active with my husband and I want to get off these meds so he can take me Hawaii." Deanne

"I've always struggled with gaining and losing 10-15 pounds throughout my life but after I had my first child 5 years ago, I gained 30 pounds and haven't been able to lose any of it. Since then I've had a second child (3 years ago) and turned 40. I've always been pretty active. I play tennis competitively and love hiking and cross country skiing. With small children its been hard to find the time to do these things. I also find it hard to really take care of myself when I spend 24/7 taking care of 2 little boys with lots of energy and needs. My kids are getting older and I feel like it is time for "me" again. I would like to lose 20-30 pounds but more than that I would like to look and feel good. I want to wear the smaller sized tennis skirts I have and not only do I want them to fit, I want to look good in them. I also want to confidently wear tank tops. In addition, I want to be more fit. I've stuck to playing doubles since I had my kids because I'm not fit enough to play a full 3 set singles match. I would like to be able to do that this spring. Most of all I want to look and feel good for myself and be healthy and fit for my kids as they grow older.
" Ann

"I have struggled with low self worth my whole life. the mirror and the words of the ones I trusted have been my biggest enemy. I want to take control of that part of my life. I have been told " you cant help it.. your just a big girl" I was to be known as something else. A girl that took control of her life. That my opinion of myself was positive.
I am tired of being a victim of past. I want to be a confident woman in the future." Dawna

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