Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Fun At Boot Camp

This was followed by ab work consisting of MB twists, Spiderman Climb and Reverse Crunches.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

10 Boot Campers Rock Da House!

Tonights boot camp went a lil something like this:

*Sumo Squat with Shoulder Press
*Chest Press
*Lateral Lunge with Bicep Curl
*Crab Kicks

Jump Rope
DB Swings
Lateral Jumps

Cross Body Mt Climber
Reverse Crunch

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sweetheart Deal For Boot Camp

More great boot camp news everyone!!

First off, I want to say thanks to all my current boot camp members! You are such a great bunch and I am so enjoying teaching you! Oh and if you have had a chance to try the Prograde Cravers ( those little dark chocolate yummy snacks) they are having a 14% off sale for Valentine’s Day, but it ends on Saturday, so get your order in NOW! Click HERE and use this code when you check out: vday0909

For those of you who haven’t tried them, they are Organic Dark Chocolate Prograde Cravers which have no preservatives, only 180 calories and they come in three delicious flavors: peanut butter, almond butter and spirulina. Very yummy and satisfying!

Now I want to try and get the rest of you to come and give boot camp a shot! Check out these testimonials:

“I have been taking her boot camp classes for about a month now and I have become addicted. You can go at your own and make the workout as challenging as you need it. It is a great stress reliever after a long day at work. Angie also gives nutrition advice and meal plans. This has really helped rethink about the things I eat and the fuel I am giving (or not giving to my body).” Barb Kowalski

“Although I have only been to two classes I feel that my continuing participation will lead me to better health and fitness. Angie is very personable, assists in form and has shown me the more "beginner" moves to which someday, I will graduate to the more standard moves. The workout is an intense 30 minutes. I haven't worked so hard in years. Very recommended.” Catherine Curtsinger

New members are able to take advantage of these February Sweetheart Deals!

*Sign up for 4 weeks of Classes and get ONE WEEK FREE!

*Sign up with a friend for 4 weeks of classes and both of you will receive 1 Individual Training Classes FREE!

**Current members, if you get a friend to join for 4 weeks (2 sessions per week minimum paid in full), you will also be able to receive 1 Individual Training Class FREE!

Contact me if interested at

Our first Nutrition Class will begin on Thursday, February 26th, after boot camp class. Each member will be asked to bring a healthy snack on a designated month. I will start by bringing Prograde Cravers for everyone on the 26th. Please let me know if you will be attending, as I need to know how many handouts and snacks to bring.

I am in the process of getting a 6 or 6:15am boot camp class going on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This will be a Co-Ed Class and hope to get it up and going soon! Let me know if you are interested and I will keep you updated on when we will be starting! My plans are to have it up and going by March!

If you have any questions about anything, just send me and email at or give me a call at 304-746-1432. I am here to help!

Let’s make 2009 YOUR year to SHINE!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Boot Camp

Todays boot camp consisted of:

Walking Lunges
MB Pushups/Elevated or Decline Pushups
Side Squat with bicep curl
Tricep dips

Step ups x 20
Bear Crawl
Criss Cross Feet x 20

Inchworm....NO one likes the inchworm but its such a great exercise we just have to do it! :0)
Mt Climber x 20
Bicycle x 20

Great job everyone! Everyone pushed themselves very hard and you did an amazing job! Becky commented that boot camp has helped improve her rowing due to the increase in endurance and strength! Go Becky!!

Welcome to Howard, our newest Boot Camper!!

We are trying to put together a 6am boot camp class, so if you are interested, please send email to Also hoping to start a "couples" or co-ed boot camp! Again, let me know if you are interested!

We are planning our first Nutrition Class to be held after the regular evening boot camp class, but still not sure when.