Sunday, November 6, 2011

NOVEMBER at Fit Chick Express!!

Holidays are here!! We are surrounded with goodies that are not necessarily "good" for us. 

If you haven't yet joined us for out "Rock My Jeans" Challenge, I will extend the deadline until this Friday, the 11th. Click here for more details and then email me to let me know you are joining!

The Longmont Turkey Trot --2 mile fun run or 10K is this coming Saturday the 12th. There are about 10 Fit Chicks doing this race and there is still time to register if you would like to join us! Here are the details for that race.  THERE WILL BE NO SATURDAY CLASS AS ALL THE TRAINERS ARE RACING AS WELL! 

I will be doing updated measurements the week of November 14th-19th. Please let me know ahead of time when you would like to get your measurements updated. 

The Fit Chick studio will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. The 6am class on the Friday after has been cancelled and I am still trying to determine if there will be class at 9:30. We will have class on the following Saturday though. 

There will be a Running Clinic at the FCE studio on Saturday, Nov 19th from 11-2pm. This 3 hour running clinic will focus on form, and running without discomfort and injuries. Douglas is a former ultramarathoner and has many years of running under his belt. He is also a Physical Therapist and has taught me to run without any knee pain (knees were my "pinch point"). It's all about posture and form, keeping things in alignment while moving. Good for runners and those that are just starting to run too! $45, space is limited, money to Bobbie or Angie by Nov 16 (Wednesday). Let me know if questions! Checks payable to Boulder Running Works.
Dr. Courtney Conley will be at Fit Chick on Saturday, November 19th if you wish to get in and see her. She is already booked up until 12:30 and is only open until 3pm, so book sooner than later! Please schedule an appointment if you would like some insight into your low back, hip, knee, ankle or foot pain. Or simply would like a posture evaluation to improve body function. Here is link to sign up

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