Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October Updates and Upcoming Events

Next week there will be some changes to some classes. 
The 8:30 am class will move from Thursday to Wednesday.
The 9:30 am class will move from Thursday to Friday.  

*Saturday, October 15th, This Saturday is  45 Extreme Class starts and it starts at 8am. Sign up HERE.

*Bring a PUMPKIN!! We will be using them to workout in the next few weeks! Make sure its heavy !! ;)

*Wednesday, October 19th is Metabolism Makeover Class at 6pm. Sign up HERE 

*Dr Conley will be here on Friday the 21st from Noon until 6pm. If you have any knee, hip, back or feet pain, make sure to get in to meet with her! Sign up for a time HERE.

Now check out the workout we did LAST year with our pumpkins! :)


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